Remembering those we lose - Which urn is right for your family? |
By choosing cremation, you have a number of possibilities to consider in which urn you might select. There are no right or wrong choices, but you will want to consider your choices for final disposition. Consider whether you wish to: Bury the urn in a cemetery; Inter the urn in a columbarium or niche; Take the urn home to create a special commemorative display on a shelf or mantle; Share the cremated remains with close family members, such as siblings; or scatter the cremated remains on land or at sea. If you choose to scatter the cremated remains, you may wish to keep a portion in a keepsake or small urn, as scattering is a permanent choice. Many urns and keepsakes can be personalized.
Cremation Keepsake Urns

Butterfly Garden Cloisonné Keepsake Urn

Butterfly Garden Cloisonné Keepsake Heart